Monday, February 20, 2017

The Interview

Immediately after filling out the application I got an email to schedule an interview. Talk about fast service! I was thrilled. I scheduled it four days out because I knew I needed time to prepare and I also had to work around my husband's work schedule. However, I could have done it a day or two sooner if I wanted to.

That day I decided to invest in a fancy webcam (I was feeling hopeful). We already had all the necessary requirements for sound and wifi so I wasn't too worried that we would experience technical trouble. I had the power point slides and then I started watching YouTube videos. This one was particularly helpful for me:

She breaks down what they are looking for and things to focus on during your interview. Super helpful!

Here's the basic interview outline:

10 minutes introduction

10 minutes teaching

5 minute wrap up

You can login to the online classroom one hour prior to your interview time to test your equipment. Definitely do that so you get everything working as soon as possible.

VIPKID did a fantastic job making me feel prepared for what to expect. It was great! I would hear back in 24 hours if I would get the position. Literally 20 hours later I got a 'congratulations' email! I was so excited I cried! haha. But seriously, I started getting nervous that I wouldn't get the opportunity and finally when I knew I was real I was so happy! The next stop: Mock 1 class.

Also, for those curious, I was offered $7.5 per class. I do not have a teaching certificate or actual classroom experience so I was thrilled to be offered a little more than the base pay of $7/class. Remember as stated on their website you can make up to $2 additional bonus pay per class. So my max is $19/hour. Yay!

My referral link:

VIPKID: And So It Began

One day I was just minding my own business in an LDS mom's Facebook group. Someone posted about looking for a way to earn money at home. Normal post. I see that all the time. No one ever suggests something I really feel like I could get on board with. I don't wear lipstick. Don't want to. I'm about the least trendy person ever. I rarely leave the house so why would I need to get super hyped about my clothes? Lulawho? I can't sell stuff. Don't want to work for a call center. My kids are too noisy and my husband isn't home at the right times for that. Whatever I do needs to be WORTH IT. Worth the sacrifice. Worth the pay. I want to like it.

Up until the moment I saw the words VIPKID I never considered that I could really have a 'job' at home. What would be worth turning my entire routine upside down for?

And then someone on that post said they worked for VIPKID. Teaching English to children in China.


*googling VIPKID*

$20/hour? That caught my attention. What kind of work at home job pays $20/hour? This one does. For reals? Yes. It's not a scam.

*youtubing VIPKID teacher*

Tons of videos from current teachers.

She looks normal. She looks legit. Could I do this?

I actually think I could.

I could get out of bed for this. I really could. This actually looks fun. I look good in orange!

And so I submitted an application that literally took me 5 minutes to complete. 10 minutes later I had a request for an interview. Four days later I had completed the first interview and was hired.

What do they require?

--Bachelor's Degree
--Proper technology: camera, speakers, headphones, wifi etc. You need to be able to use their system.
--Experience teaching children is very helpful.

That's about it! Other than that they are just looking for your winning personality and an ability to have fun! If you are a SAHM like me and feel like it is your time to add something to your place to help bring home the bacon, don't hesitate. I am two weeks into this journey and couldn't be more excited!

My referral link if you decide to apply.